SAWCA Distributes Over $16,000 To Aid Louisiana Flood Relief Effort
The American Red Cross declared that the flooding in Louisiana is likely the worst natural disaster in the United States since 2012’s Superstorm Sandy. In response, a massive relief operation in Louisiana is underway with an anticipated cost of at least $30 million – and this number may grow as more is learned about the scope & magnitude of the devastation.
As most of you know, Louisiana is one of 21 member jurisdictions in SAWCA. We learned through communication with the workers’ compensation leadership in Louisiana that sixteen employees of the Louisiana Office of Workers’ Compensation Administration experienced significant and life-changing losses …some having lost their autos, homes and belongings to the flood.
As part of the “SAWCA Family” our hopes and prayers for a quick recovery were extended to our Louisiana brothers and sisters…But we also wanted to provide financial assistance to address those needs that linger. Therefore, SAWCA began accepting financial donations from members and supporters from across the nation …and these donations were matched by SAWCA. In mid October 2016 donations in excess of $11,000 were distributed directly to those 16 employees of the Louisiana Office of Workers’ Compensation Administration who experienced loss.
We thank you for your generous contributions that have made the most important of all statements…one that we care for our fellow man … and our caring turns into action that makes a difference.
I am so pleased and proud to be part of the SAWCA family. Well Done!