Natl. Regulators RoundTable

Reg Roundtable Picture2022 marks the 12th anniversary of SAWCA’s National Regulators Roundtable. This event brings together regulators from throughout the country representing more than half the nation to discuss challenges, concerns and issues facing individual jurisdictions in the oversight of the ever-changing workers’ compensation industry.

The National Regulators Roundtable is a forum where regulators share lessons learned and seek timely answers to their most pressing issues.

Topics discussed include emerging medical treatments and an increasing opioid epidemic; employer compliance; adjudication of benefits; managing the legislative environment; advancing technology; increasing economic pressure, alternative options to workers’ compensation, federal intrusion, and many more issues faced by regulators as they strive to improve state systems for all stakeholders.

The 12th Annual National Regulators Roundtable is scheduled for August 22nd beginning at 2:30pm in Orlando, Florida and will be held in conjunction with the Workers’ Compensation Institute’s 76th Annual Workers’ Compensation Educational Conference & the 33rd Annual Florida Safety & Health Conference at the Orlando World Center Marriott Hotel.   This national forum of state leaders will be open to all WCI® attendees representing a unique opportunity for participants and audience alike.  Be sure to join us in 2022 as the regulatory leadership from across the nation gathers in Orlando to address the topics that shape our industry.

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